
We are actively engaged in the dialogue and debates of our space: on issues of social justice, global development, and democratic innovation, and on the ethics and methodological evolution of design, mediation, and co-creation practice. More of our writing can be found at Medium.

Strengthening Kenyan Media

Exploring a Path Towards Journalism in the Public Interest

Client: Omidyar Network | 2018

People-Powered Media Innovation in West Africa

Accelerating development & good governance in the new media landscape

Client: Omidyar Network | 2016

Implementing Innovation

A hands-on resource with practical advice for government changemakers as they navigate the challenges of implementing programs in the public sector.

Client: Hewlett Foundation | 2015

Using Data to Influence Government Decisions

Opportunities and Challenges for User-Centered Design to Improve Governance Data Impact

A scoping study on the opportunities and challenges of leveraging user-centered design to improve the impact of governance data.

Client: Open Society Foundations | 2015

Enabling Citizen-Driven Improvement of Public Services

Leveraging Technology to Strengthen Accountability in Nigerian Healthcare

How can citizen reporting help ensure public services are working for those who need them most?

Client: The World Bank | 2015

Infrastructure Development in Edo State

Adapting to Constraints and Creating Capabilities

How can public financial management systems be reformed based on local political realities when “best practices” are highly context-dependent?

Client: The World Bank | 2015

Toward the Next Phase of Open Government

An analysis of biases, constraints, and successes in the open government movement, based on discussions at the Aspen Institute’s Forum on Communications and Society.

Client: Aspen Institute | 2014

A Promise to Every Child

Developing a Regional Policy for Children in Nicaragua’s Northern Atlantic Autonomous Region

How can policy co-creation support the unique needs of communities in regions of great diversity?

Client: UNICEF | 2013

Addressing Teacher Absenteeism in Edo State

How can understanding the experience of teachers help improve teacher performance and education outcomes?

Client: World Bank | 2013

Reimagining Elections Administration

How can election offices create a more seamless service experience for voters?

Client: Turbovote | 2013

Design Research for Media Development

A hands-on reference guide for media development practitioners.

Client: Internews | 2013

Trust, Influence, and Connectivity

Understanding Information Ecosystems in Pakistan's Tribal Areas: A Design Research Approach

How can design help improve information access in conflict-stricken, media-dark regions?

Client: Internews | 2013

Embracing Informality

Designing Financial Services for China’s Marginalized

How can design help create financial services that meet the needs of the world’s poorest communities?

Client: IMTFI | 2012

Tunisia: From Revolutions to Institutions

In the aftermath of political upheaval, how can technology improve governance, expand economic opportunity, and encourage social cohesion?

Client: InfoDev | 2012