Calling for Service Design Entries for the Core77 Design Awards

Reboot is thrilled to be participating in the second annual Core77 Design Awards, a progressive, industry-leading initiative that celebrates excellence across a broad spectrum of design. From its website:

Recognizing excellence in all areas of design enterprise, the Core77 Design Awards celebrates the richness of the design profession and its practitioners. For our second year, we present 17 categories of entry, providing designers, researchers and writers a unique opportunity to communicate the intent, rigor and passion behind their efforts. From client work to self-initiated projects, entrepreneurial to pro-bono engagements, we embrace a wide diversity of enterprise: commercial, cultural, social, environmental and discursive.

I’m honoured to be serving as the jury captain for the Service Design category, and along with an exceptional jury — made up of thought leaders and industry pros in the field — we’ll be evaluating exceptional service design work from around the world.

My co-jurors are:

As visitors to our website well know, Reboot champions the principles and practices of service design in our work the world over — you’ve probably seen us write or speak on the topic in the past. Thus, we are so glad to be taking part in a program that’s so relevant to our own mission and projects, and we’re looking forward to seeing many examples of outstanding service design.

Core77 has been serving a worldwide audience of design practitioners, firms, students, and educators for over 16 years. Its awards program responds to the changing terrain of design, social media, and environmental stewardship, in part by employing progressive categories like social impact, educational initiatives, and speculative — with the jury for the latter headed by none other than Bruce Sterling himself. Core77 is accepting entries of design work, research, or writing from the year 2011 in 17 categories. The deadline to enter is April 10 and both professionals and students are encouraged to apply.

Both Reboot and the service design jury is excited to see what our community has been up to over the past year, and how others have been thinking about and working on systems and processes that better serve people. Many of Reboot’s recent projects have focused on how governments and institutions can utilize new technologies to more effectively connect with and serve their constituencies. Thus, we’re keen to see — and to learn from! — all the other talented practitioners out there tackling similar challenges.

More about the 2012 Core77 Design Awards are here. Details about entering the competitions are here, and the deadline to apply is April 10. Best of luck!

Futher reading.